Written By: Stephen King (screenplay), based on the book by Stephen King Synopsis: After tragedy strikes, a grieving father discovers an ancient burial ground behind his home with the power to raise the dead. View Script action Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Written...
N. by Stephen King Art and Cover by Alex Maleev. King claims writing as a part of his destiny and says that“there was nothing else I was made to do”. This includes the genre he’s so passionately into, which gives him the terrifying title ofKing of Horror. Richard Matheson came in...
The Return of The King [PDF][Epub][Mobi] – By J. R. R. Tolkien [Download] The Lean Startup [PDF][Epub][Mobi] – By Eric Ries The Things They Carried [PDF][Epub][Mobi] – By Tim O’Brien The Stand [Epub][PDF][Mobi] – By Stephen King ...
Books are a uniquely portable magic. –Stephen King Reading offers numerous benefits, but the cost of new books can be prohibitive for many. Fortunately, there are numerous free online libraries that provide a wealth of ebooks at no cost. Here's a curated list of the top 20 online libraries...
The Return of The King [PDF][Epub][Mobi] – By J. R. R. Tolkien [Download] The Lean Startup [PDF][Epub][Mobi] – By Eric Ries The Things They Carried [PDF][Epub][Mobi] – By Tim O’Brien The Stand [Epub][PDF][Mobi] – By Stephen King ...
PDF at UMD Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (delisted; Brown has withdrawn free access) by Aemilia Lanyer Hengist, King of Kent by Thomas Middleton (annotated HTML at tech.org) My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem by Martha Moulsworth, ed. by Robert C. Evans and ...
Stephen King and Joyce Carol Oates — they both pay homage to H.P. Lovecraft and his great tales. And you can too by spending time with his collected works, available in etext formats here and audio formats here (Free Mp3 Zip File –Free Stream). Ph...
Twin sorcerer brothers from the old kingdom fight & hide something deadly. They return to earth as shipmaster & smuggler, and again as brothers. Also in Adobe reader PDF format. http://wtarzia.com/TheSilentManCalledTHE SILENT MAN CALLED *...
Here is an unordered list of online mathematics books, textbooks, monographs, lecture notes, and other mathematics related documents freely available on the web. I tried to select only the works in book formats, "real" books that are mainly in PDF format, so many well-known html-based ...
Stephen King'sThePlantas a possible model. In June, 2000, King announced on his official web site that he was self-publishingThe Plantin serial form. According to the announcement, the book's total cost would be $13, spread out over a series of $1 installments. As long as at least 75...