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Steam VROculus About GizmoVR GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player,Bluelight game, and others. GizmoVR Ltd. ...
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Steam 版本最直观的变化就是曾经的像素表现形式被吉卜力风格所取代,这一想法也是由萨姆提出的。他认为,如今玩家对像素风的评价比较两极分化,也就是说,它会被相当一部分人排斥,另外,他希望这款游戏为玩家带来宁静祥和的体验,采用吉卜力风格显然更合适,而乔纳森恰巧是吉卜力电影的粉丝,于是两人一拍即合。
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VR陀螺:《GORN》是Free Lives开发的首款VR游戏,当时为什么想要尝试虚拟现实领域呢? Free Lives:我们起初并没有专门以制作VR游戏为目标,只是获得了一些VR头显,觉得用它来做一次Game Jam应该会很有趣。大家似乎非常喜欢这个创意,于是我们就一直做下去了。这与我们所有的游戏所遵循的过程都非常相似。
the title is still missing the A-Life 2.0 system that was initially promised on its Steam page. Now, GSC Game World is opening up about why A-Life 2.0 isn't in the game and how the Steam page was changed.During an interview with IGN, creative director Maria Grygorovych explained that...