Excerpt: We’ve both written a lot about how hostility to freedom of expression on college and university campuses has grown and intensified over the past decade. One thing that tends to go unacknowledged is that, during this time period, a tacit unholy alliance between administrators and studen...
Free Speech on College Campuses: Protecting the First Amendment in the Marketplace of IdeasMelanie A. Moore
Although universities play a key role in questions of free speech and political viewpoint diversity, they are often associated with the opposite o
er …“The Stifling of Free Speech on University Campuses.” Activists had vowed to shut down the event; they managed it without even having to close their laptops. Ryerson hasn’t formally been a university for long. A politician who (for better or worse) thinks campus free speech is his...
campuscarry law‚ which permits people to carry concealed guns in public university buildings. The effort was led by three University of Texas at Austin professors‚ who argued the law infringed on their right tofreespeechunder the First Amendment‚ and violated both the Due Process and the...
PENN STATE UNIVERSITY, Eric J. Barron Our nation is experiencing a re-emergence of hate speech and explicit bias. Significantly, hate speech has also been actuated through internet trolls and efforts to bait individuals into emotional or physical reactions. On our campuses, the reactions have been...
“Disagree without being disagreeable:” Chancellor Martin hosts panel on free speech, protest, and democracy Chancellor Andrew Martin met with Valerie Jarrett, CEO of the Obama Foundation, and Washington Post reporter Michael Isikoff to discuss free speech and democracy on college campuses on Sept. ...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia speech′ sound` n. any of the minimal identifiable discrete segments of sound occurring in speech. [1865–70] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyri...
If you want to understand the deplorable condition of free speech on college campuses today, you need look no further than what happened recently at George Washington University here in the nation’s capital. A recognized campus conservative group, Young America’s Foundation (full disclosure: I ...
“It is striking that at a time when the committee’s spending so much effort and attention and focus on protecting students from harmful or hateful speech…that they’re also proposing a bill that would limit almost any ability of an institution to protect those students from that kind of ...