Realistic Animation of a Satellite in Orbit of Planet Earth SpaceStockFootage2 | 0:00 artificial satellite of the earth. satellite flies in space over the globe jamartevgeniy | 0:00 artificial satellite of the earth. a satellite flying in space over the globe jamartevgeniy | 0:00 Artif...
To move in an orbit. 1.To revolve around (a center of attraction):The moon orbits Earth. 2.To put into an orbit:The space agency orbited a new satellite. [Middle Englishorbita,eye socket, from Old Frenchorbite, from Latinorbita,orbit, probably fromorbis.] ...
Related to satellite:Satellite radio,Satellite phone AcronymDefinition SLStudent Loan SLSecond Life(internet-based virtual world; trademark of Linden Lab) SLSt. Louis(ammunition headstamp) SLSo Long SLSri Lanka SLStraight Line SLSign Language
The present invention discloses a satellite in orbit free boundary condition simulation device, including satellite butt plate, a support spring, Satellite balance adjustment device, limit protection device and a support plate, the upper and lower satellite butt plate and the support plate based on ...
Log in Join Pixabay planets orbit space earth mars venus astronomy fantasy ai-generated Related free images planet aerial view orbit earth space earth moon ache earth globe planet astronaut moon space mars red planet planet earth planet space planet mars crater satellite spacecraft earth planet space...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook spaceplane Acronyms Wikipedia (ˈspeɪsˌpleɪn) n another name forspace shuttle Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, ...
In late March, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) announced that one of its satellite missions "practically left zero debris in orbit" after a spent rocket stage was lowered to burn up in Earth's atmosphere during re-entry. Similar deorbiting techniques will be used to make future...
A typical free-space communications concept applied in a low-Earth-orbit satellite constellation. Each satellite carries four optical communications terminals that link to neighboring satellites in each direction to form a mesh network. Courtesy of TESAT. ...
satellite, artificial, object constructed by humans and placed in orbit around the earth or other celestial body (see also space probe). The satellite is lifted from the earth's surface by a rocket and, once placed in orbit, maintains its motion without further rocket propulsion. The first ...
outer space, space - any location outside the Earth's atmosphere; "the astronauts walked in outer space without a tether"; "the first major milestone in space exploration was in 1957, when the USSR's Sputnik 1 orbited the Earth" aerospace - the atmosphere and outer space considered as a...