Free YouTube Sound Pack This YouTube sound pack is a great starting point for all of your sound effect needs.The pack includes ambient background noises, impactful sounds like explosions and crashes, everyday foley sounds, musical jingles, and a variety of realistic and cartoonish animal ...
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(Specially Created Effect) i 2.0 0:19 Cartoon Cartoon 94 ElectronicHum.BBC.EC110Hc.wav A Deep-freezer Motor Hum. i 2.0 2:01 Sound Design Sound Design 95 IndustryLight.BBC.EC57Uf.wav A Drilling And Milling Machine Operates With Occasional Pauses. i 2.0 4:47 Industrial Industrial 96 ...
28 free whoopee cushion sound effects to download in both mp3 and wav formats. We all probably remember the hours of fun we had as kids placing a whoopee cushion under the seat of an unsuspecting friend, a practical joke that apparently dates back to Roman times. Included in this pack you...
Bane Cinematics Epic Reverse Tension Riser Sound Effects PACK BryanSantosBreton 7:49 シネマティクス叙事詩逆行 Build up freesound_community 0:19 逆行上下 Reverse Logo Alex_Kizenkov 0:07 ロゴ短い企業 reverse intro velisophigus 0:07 逆行憂鬱ギター ...
The spooky season begins and Ghosthack starts big with an amazing free horror sound effect sample pack for you! Download free today.
Exclusively on A Sound Effect:Get premium sound libraries for free when you order: ✔ Any order includes 30 premium sound effects from Celine Woodburn as a bonus ✔ Buy 3 libraries or more to get the SoundBits Bonus Pack (40 sounds) included for free too ✔ You also get the free 60...
Royalty-free 语音音频 sound effects. Download a sound effect to use in your next project. 音频 女士 嗓音 麦克风 记录 女声 声音效果 画外音 西班牙女人 免版税声音特效 Locutora Virtual "Sensual LAUGH" EAi_mee_Universe 0:03 下载 女士 嗓音 音频 Ai_mee_Universe "OF COURSE " EAi_mee_Universe ...
Since my son has now acquired Ableton Live 11 Intro, I thought it would be interesting to make a pack of effects that utilize only effects native to that iteration of the software. These include Audio Effect Rack, Auto...
Sound Packs 639 Miscellaneous 720 Sound 66 Length 0:00Any Properties Looped 1 Excludes P.R.O. 113 Heartbeat Pack By applehillstudios 0:33 1 TrackBPM -- Bloody Smash Pack By Ghetty 0:04 1 TrackBPM -- Tearing Body Splats Pack By Cinematic-Sound-Design 0:22 1 TrackBPM -- Male Cr...