Yes all messages received by our website its free to receive. The phone numbers used on this site are virtual number. It is like sending a message to a regular phone. This site does not charge or get any money from people sending sms messages to it....
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Free-SMS-Receive is a free service for receiving SMS verification codes online. Registration is not required. Just select your phone number from the list below. You can use it to receive SMS verification codes from FACEBOOK, TELEGRAM, WECHAT, VK, PAYPAL,
Try to type in the number as shown on the page. Including the plus sign. This number is an international number and includes the country code. This is a number that tells the phone system that you are calling out of the country. But it should not be required when sending SMS text mess...
We provide free online SMS receive service in 128 countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, Poland, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan etc.
一,打开SMS Receive Free官方网站 https://smsreceivefree.com如果番羽下墙,效果会好点 可以看到目前又三个国家可以选择,我选择了加拿大的号码。(点击国徽即可进入选择号码) 二,选择号码 选择一个临时手机号码,在需要验证短信的地方填上这个临时手机号码,我用的是QQ注册,微信总是提示无效号码。
US-Phone-Number.Com is a free website to receive SMS free online.We have many free phone numbers,You can use it from all the countries and for Gmail,Facebook,Linked and more is free Online SMS Services, 300+ free virtual temporary phone numbers for receive verified SMS Code online,Including Belgium, China, Korea, US, India, Russia, Uk, Receive sms free with no register, You can receive sms verification serv
Yes all messages received by our website its free to receive. The phone numbers used on this site are virtual number. It is like sending a message to a regular phone. This site does not charge or get any money from people sending sms messages to it....