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Free SMS numbers for SMS verification Receive SMS online with Virtual mobile numbers. You can use temporary numbers for registration or account sms verification for any online services: WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, Gmail, Telegram, Discord, Tinder, Banks, Uber, Airbnb, Nike, Viber, Line, We... 直接进入到免费短信在线接收网站,选择一个号码,将号码填入到需要验证的网页中,然后就刷新这边的网页看看是不是有显示短信内容了。 进入到免费短信在线接收网站 六、总结 Google Voice,Sonetel,Text free,Textnow这几个免费电话当中,Google Voice适合长期持有,因为它已经相当于一个...
Free SMS numbers for SMS verification Receive SMS online with Virtual mobile numbers. You can use temporary numbers for registration or account sms verification for any online services: WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, Gmail, Telegram, Discord, Tinder, Banks, Uber, Airbnb, Nike, Viber, Line, We...
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Receivetxt.comis an online SMS receive site for account verification. These services are free and some are premium (Paid). You can receive SMS with free telephone numbers registered on FreePhoneNum. Users can use numbers to register or verify for any services such as Facebook, Google, Gmail...