slacker nounlayabout,shirker,loafer,skiver(Brit. slang),idler,passenger,do-nothing,piker(Austral. & N.Z. slang),dodger,good-for-nothing,bludger(Austral. & N.Z. informal),gold brick(U.S. slang),scrimshanker(Brit. military slang)He's not a slacker, he's the best worker they've got. ...
Other than that there’s not much exciting to say about Slacker. It’s definitely a decent service if you just want a comfortable radio station of hits, but Pandora still does a better job of uncovering lesser-known artists and combining stations. A few of the artist stations we tried gave...
#3. Slacker This is another very good unblocked free music website for schools, colleges, and workplaces. You are provided unlimited access to a huge collection of music, all for free. You do not have to register or log in to use this website, so that is a huge plus. This website ...
Lazy Work Male Slacker Uninterested Project lgolubovystock Beautiful young asian woman bored and lazy working on laptop computer at office. nnudoo Mom, teaching and daughter with learning difficulty, lazy or stress for homework YuriArcursPeopleimages Lazy working man is overwhelmed and reluctant at ho...
Sonos gives you access to millions of songs and thousands of radio stations by partnering with AUPEO, Deezer, iheartradio, JUKE,, MOG, Napster®, Pandora®, Rdio®, Rhapsody®, SiriusXM Internet Radio, Slacker Radio®, Spotify, Stitcher SmartRadio™, TuneIn, Wolfgang’s...
Previously known as Slacker Radio or LiveXLive, LiveOne is a music streaming platform offering audio and video music. This unblocked music site, allows you to stream your favorite music through 200 and more channels, and also live entertainment. With its free version, you can stream unlimited ...
Slacker is another popular Internet radio service. It has an extensive collection of radio stations covering every genre, and it even allows you to create your own station using the site's music library. The basic version of Slacker is free, however, if you don't want to deal with banner...
I've been accused on the social networks and radio of being a hypocrite and slagging Dyer and Ameobi off because they have Newcastle connections. Don't get carried away More results ► Dictionary browser ? ▲ slacken slacken off slackener slackening slacker slacking slack-jawed slack-key slack...
8. Slacker Radio Site Highlights: Access to some of the best online DJ’s out there, Radio stations that are designed based on your music interests. About Free Music Site: Do you ever have the urge to listen to music but are unsure of what type of music or artist you want to listen...
More Free Online Music - There are many sources of music online: iTunes, Slacker, Pandora, Spotify, and plenty more. Most of the big music services follow similar business models: Free music, with ads and limits on what you can hear, or pay for more. But