WaiverStevie.com - Electronic Signature platform with a REST API. You can receive notifications with webhooks. Free plan watermarks signed documents but allow unlimited envelopes + signatures. Web3Forms - Contact forms for Static & JAMStack Websites without writing backend code. The free plan allows...
A signature generator, or signature maker, is an online tool that converts your handwritten signature or typed signature to image format. You can then download and use your digital signature for signing documents like PDF and Doc, or add it to your email signature. ...
A sign-in sheet is a document businesses use to record information on individuals who attend a particular event, enter a specific facility, or participate in an activity. It usually includes fields for people to enter their name, time of visit, contact information, and signature. Importance of...
Clari3D Server is able to convertnumerous CAD filesinto HTML or J3D, in batch mode or in real time. In addition, Clari3D Server cansignthe generated files, and this signature is displayed in the viewer. It is the preferred way toindustrializethe J3D generation. Three converter licenses are...
To add your electronic signature on top of a photo, you first have to upload that photo to SignHouse. Then, create or select a signature (depending on the case), and simply drag your signature above the image, on the area where you want it to be visible. If you’ll need to resize...
Developer:Google Inc. Current Version: Supportes OS:Android 6.0 and above Safe APK:Google Docs APK was fetched from Play Store and published here without any modifications. See its hashes on download page. [ Signature: 24BB24C05E47E0AEFA68A58A766179D9B613A600 ] ...
Integrates seamlessly with other business apps like Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce Customizable signatures – you can just drag the signature, seals, and date of signature options What you may not like: I found it difficult to integrate Box with GitHub and set up file-sh...
Signature PDF - Free open-source web software for signing PDFs (alone or with others) and also organize pages, edit medata and compress pdf. Stirling-PDF - Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files. Task...
Add text and image to PDFTip: Add Signature Image to PDFIf you have saved your signature as an image, you can create a signature from the image. To do that, go to Comments > Signature on PDFelement, and click Create > Upload to add your signature image. After creating the signature, ...
On most online browsers, including Firefox and Google Chrome, the Grammarly Office add-in can be downloaded. The Grammarly Office add-in provides tools that may be connected to popular and professional word processors like Google Docs and Word.