15. (tr) to indicate by or as if by a sign; betoken 16. (intr) to use sign language [C13: from Old French signe, from Latin signum a sign] ˈsignable adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000,...
14. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (tr) to outline in gestures a sign over, esp the sign of the cross 15. (tr) to indicate by or as if by a sign; betoken 16. (intr) to use sign language [C13: from Old French signe, from Latin signum a sign] ˈsignable adj Collins English Dictionary...
14. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (tr) to outline in gestures a sign over, esp the sign of the cross 15. (tr) to indicate by or as if by a sign; betoken 16. (intr) to use sign language [C13: from Old French signe, from Latin signum a sign] ˈsignable adj Collins English Dictionary...
14. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (tr) to outline in gestures a sign over, esp the sign of the cross 15. (tr) to indicate by or as if by a sign; betoken 16. (intr) to use sign language [C13: from Old French signe, from Latin signum a sign] ˈsignable adj Collins English Dictionary...
14. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (tr) to outline in gestures a sign over, esp the sign of the cross 15. (tr) to indicate by or as if by a sign; betoken 16. (intr) to use sign language [C13: from Old French signe, from Latin signum a sign] ˈsignable adj Collins English Dictionary...
15. (tr) to indicate by or as if by a sign; betoken 16. (intr) to use sign language [C13: from Old French signe, from Latin signum a sign] ˈsignable adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000,...