Short stories are perfect for kids. They are "quick wins" and a great way to help your child to fall in love with reading. They are also great for bedtime. Create a special nighttime routine with your young one with the help of these stories. Put on the short audiobook when it's tim...
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Volume One contains Six Short Stories 1. Butterflies scream to communicate.2. A man tells his parents he is getting divorced.3. A surprise gift at an arranged birthday party. Oops!4. An unfortunate kidnapping and the final wedding vow.5. A girl on the poor side of town advances greatly ...
A free collection of flash fiction. Each of these stories, vignettes, and apocryphal tales (34 of them!) was first published in an online market. Download in PDF and ePub.
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29 short chapters. Z STREET BAND * * *Mark K. Lewis Eight chapter western. He couldn't escape his past or the outlaw who was using his name. Look for links to his other wild west stories: WHITEWATER... RIVER BEND http://markscowboystoryblog...
Free eBooks for Kids eBooks - Page 2 Download and read free PDF eBooks from our massive selection of online eBooks for all age group of children.Ebookscan help children develop good reading habits. A Fish with a Wish Amma's Birthday
“A Walk In The Dark” |PDF| 8 pages For another vintage entirely, see also their formidable lineup of over forty pieces from H.G. Wells, progenitor of so much of what we think of as science fiction today, which...
Amateur and professional writers across the world publish their short stories and full-length novels on the platform. There’s also a community feature where you can interact with your favorite authors, enter writing contests, and more. On Wattpad you can see how many people have read the book...