Free resources for English teachers and students preparing IELTS, TESOL, Cambridge First and Advanced English and other national and international certifications.
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Worksheets play a key role in helping ESL/ELL students learn English. Our collection of ESL worksheets help English language learners improve their English grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Worksheets are organized by topic an
She was also an ESL teacher for 5 years, taught business English and designed her own courses and teaching materials.Related Posts How to Create a Project Plan: Strategy, Examples and Templates How to Create a Sales Plan: Strategy, Examples and Templates 23 User Persona Examples, Templates & ...
Free ESL - EFL Games for students - grammar games, vocabulary games, and phonics programs. I hope you enjoy them! Games on this site: Prepositions(beginner) Comparative Verbs - past tense Verb Usage - past, present, and future Auxiliary Verbs NEW! Present Tense and Punctuation (par3 -...
- Short essays on 100 well-known Americans 09Advanced Grammar Exercises - 112 sets of high-quality exercises on 17 grammar forms 10Pronunciation Exercises - Exercises created by Michael Climo for ESL students 11Sentence Structure Writing Practice ...
Welcome to our free ESL resources, materials, lessons, and activities! Here, you’ll find a variety of English learning and teaching materials to help both teachers and students. Teachers can use these English learning resources and lessons to create lesson plans and activities, while students can...
Free Short Stories for Teachers
ESOL Courses - free TEFL teaching resources and online English language lessons for students of English as a foreign language and young learners. Practise your English skills using our free listening activities, video quizzes, reading exercises and games
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