USDA- the federal department that administers programs that provide services to farmers (including research and soil conservation and efforts to stabilize the farming economy); created in 1862 Agriculture Department,Department of Agriculture,Agriculture ...
agriculture (redirected fromFarming (agriculture)) Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia ag·ri·cul·ture (ăg′rĭ-kŭl′chər) n. The science, art, and business of cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock; farming. ...
代谢组学发展相对较晚,目前有关植物代谢组学的数据库主要有:综合数据库KEGG (kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes),该数据库包含代谢通路和互作网络信息;针对拟南芥、水稻等12种植物建立的PlantCyc数据库,该数据库又包括几个子数据库,其中MetaCyc收集了这些物种大量的代谢通路以及酶的信息;代谢物鉴定数据库(the ...
Agricultural seeds Agricultural seeds Agricultural Services & Development Agricultural show ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Pleaselet us knowRemove Ads...
Of the total output of basic agricultural products purchased by the state, these enterprises supplied 100 percent of the grain, raw cotton, sugar beets, and sunflower seeds; 82 percent of the potatoes; 94 percent of the vegetables; 87 percent of the livestock and poultry; 95 percent of the...
Bunge buys, sells, stores and transports oilseeds and grains to serve customers worldwide; processes oilseeds to make protein meal for animal feed and edible oil products for commercial customers and consumers; produces sugar and ethanol from sugarcane; mills wheat, corn and rice to make ...
Mulch doesn’t actually kill weeds. It just prevents the seeds from sprouting. Basically, it can stop your garden from getting weeds in the future, but it won’t remove the ones that are already there. That’s why it’s important to remove weeds before you apply the mulch. You can han...
of the Ministry of Rural Development on the safeguard clause on the seeds of stems and hybrids of maize MON810 8. Judgment of the General Court of 13 December 2013 — Hungary v Commission (Case T-240/10) (2014/C 39/26) 9. Directive (EU) 2015/412 of the European Parliament and of ...
Gluten contamination of grains, seeds, and flours in the United States: a pilot study. J Am Diet Assoc 2010;110:937–40; and Gluten-free watchdog, LLC. Available at: Accessed August 14, 2012. Nutritional Quality of the Gluten-Free Diet As with any...
restoration of chlorotic trees, thermal disinfection of wheat and barley seeds infected with powdery mildew, heating of tubers and slips, and grafting material infected with certain viruses. In order to prevent the transference of causative agents of plant diseases from one country to another, quara...