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It also includes a new metric: the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). The familiar impact factor created by industry leader Thomson Scientific, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is calculated as the average number of citations by the papers that each journal contains. The SJR also analyses the ...
Last books: 1. Cattani C., Rushchitsky J.J. Wavelet and wave analysis as applied to materials with micro- or nanostructure. Singapore-London: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2007. – 466 p. 2. Guz A.N., Rush-chitsky J.J., Guz I.A. Introduction to mechanics of nanocom...
So, children can practice this journal using their senses and develop good senses practically. Download Scientific Lab Report Scientific lab reports communicate the analysis and outcome of scientific experimentation! And this includes title, scientific name, and objective of the experimentation, ...
ResearchOpen Access06 Jan 2025Scientific Reports Volume: 15, P: 922 High level of circulating cell-free tumor DNA at diagnosis correlates with disease spreading and defines multiple myeloma patients with poor prognosis Marina Martello Vincenza Solli ...
Note: The LpR free version is for private use only. Your support helps us to create valuable content for the lighting sector. For businesses, please subscribe to the LpR issue, which allows you to share the magazine within your organization and use it for your business. Seesubscriptions... ...
Citing Journal article with DOI [Number] First Name / Last Name, “Title,” Journal abbreviated, vol., issue, pp., Abbr. month. Year. DOI: [6] S. N. Stransky, “Brain Sensorics,” Med. Scientific Eng., vol. 36, no. 13, pp. 19-31, Jan. 2020, doi:10.000/00...
Cell-free biology is the activation of biological processes without the use of intact living cells. It has been used for more than 50 years across the life sciences as a foundational research tool, but a recent technical renaissance has facilitated high-