SafetyLit directs researchers to theses, reports, and journal articles focusing on safety and injury prevention. SciELO is a database with more than 1,249 scientific journals. It offers open access to scholarly documents in the fields of biology and technology. The site was "especially ...
The Annals of Molecular and Genetic Medicine is an international academic journal publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research. The major aim of the Annals is to increase understanding of the biology of molecular and genetic medicine, both in health and in disease. The scholarly journal wh ... Rea...
Journal Journal of Phylogenetics & Evolutionary Biology Open Access Journal Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics Open Access Journal Journal of Proteomics & Enzymology Hybrid Open Access Journal Journal of Theoretical & Computational Science Open Access Journal Metabolomics: Open Access Open Access Journal ...
The Z-Library clones Library Genesis, a shadow library project. Z-Library facilitates file sharing of scholarly journal articles, academic texts, and general-interest books (including some copyrighted materials).While most of its books come from Library Genesis, further expanding the collection, users...
Davis, P. M. (2007). Does free‐access to scholarly articles increase readership and citation impact? A randomized controlled, multi‐publisher, multi‐journal study. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 44(1), 1-15.
A literary category that has made significant gains in proportion to other genres is that of international literary, scientific, and scholarly publicist writings and sketches (that is, works devoted to current social problems and events); within this genre, the most varied aspects of life are expl...
Often large Wikipedia articles, scholarly journal articles, online newspaper articles, encyclopedia entries, etc, need to be summarized into a condensed, compact and more digestible small size. This tool provides the ability to do that fast, easily, and free.Home...
We are pleased to share that a selection of IntechOpen’s books is now available through EBSCO’s Open Access Collection, a multidisciplinary collection of eBooks offering access to titles across various topics, created in cooperation with university presses and scholarly publishers. ...
lost-and-found- repository in a public building where lost articles can be kept until their owners reclaim them museum- a depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific or historical or artistic value repertory- a storehouse where a stock of things is kept ...
Free online availability substantially increases a paper's impact. Nature (2001). Download citation Published31 May 2001 DOI This article is cited by Influence of accessibility (open and toll-based) of scholarly publications on...