sand 63 sand beach 1 Sand ryegrass 1 sandals 1 sandbags 1 sandwich 2 sapling 2 satellite 4 satellite dishes 2 sativus 1 sauce 6 Saudarkrokur 1 sauna 1 sausage 2 sausages 1 Scandinavia 549 scarf 1 scary 2 scene 1 scenery 14 Schafer 1 school 83 school eq...
8. to border with or like a bank; embank: banking the flooded river with sandbags. 9. to form into a bank or heap: to bank snow along a path. 10. to build (a road or track) with an upward slope from the inner edge to the outer edge at a curve. 11. to tip or incline ...
8. to border with or like a bank; embank: banking the flooded river with sandbags. 9. to form into a bank or heap: to bank snow along a path. 10. to build (a road or track) with an upward slope from the inner edge to the outer edge at a curve. 11. to tip or incline ...