Soon cotton-eaters, such as bollworms and aphids, plagued the fields. Repeated spraying killed off the most susceptible pests and left the strongest to reproduce and pass on their resistance to generations of ever-hardier offspring. As the bugs grew tougher and more abundant, farmers applied a ...
9. In paragraph 5 of the passage, there is a missing sentence. The paragraph is repeated below and shows four letters (A, B, C, and D) that indicate where the following sentence could be added. As a result, the theory suggesting that the Iridium in the boundary clay originated from mi...
found an eagle’s feather, and has a high regard for the poet Shelley (1792–1822). The person being addressed is not named, but we discover that he (or she) once met Shelley, and this alone confers status by association. The word “you” (“your” in one instance) is repeated in ...
But Jensen’s got other things in mind. The minute he sees her–carrying a club sandwich, no less–he knows he has to get to know her. Despite her repeated shut-downs, he’s a man on a mission: win Maggie’s heart… Check out: (Sweet Nothings Bake Shop Series) Daughters of the ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook passage number [′pas·ij ‚nəm·bər] (microbiology) The number of times that a culture has been subcultured. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The...
7. to pass over without reading, noting, acting on, etc.: I skipped the long descriptions in the book. 8. to miss or omit (one of a repeated series of rhythmic actions): My heart skipped a beat. 9. to be absent from; avoid attendance at: to skip a party. 10. a. to advance...
Note: To make the exercise more dynamic and forward-looking you can encourage people to consider especially life highlights which can be repeated or extended in some way. (Childbirth is for many people a highlight which is not likely to be repeatable, although this can of course prompt thought...
→ Sentences, repeated 120 times, three times a week, for thirty months We slowly realise how complex the whole system is: not only conditioned to specific behaviour and ideologies → conditioning also used for economic advantages The system seemed to be really unfamiliar and strange before, now...
There are some spatial analogies in the ratios of heat and moistening in the zones; thus, zones with a relative balance between heat and moistening, where there is exactly enough heat to evaporate the moisture that is not removed by runoff, are regularly repeated in various belts (forest-stepp...
These sticky notes are not just any ordinary bookmarks; they are designed to enhance your reading experience by providing a clear and organized way to mark important passages, highlight key points, and jot down notes. The translucent PET material ensures that the sticky notes are barely ...