Run program, open popup menu and add address of needed remote PC or internet host. The new icon with this address will be added in EasyNetMonitor popup menu. This icon will be green if the PC with this address is reachable across a network, otherwise the icon will be red. How does...
bzip2/1.0.8: Checking remote: conancenter bzip2/1.0.8: Downloaded recipe revision d00dac990f08d991998d624be81a9526 brotli/1.1.0: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes... brotli/1.1.0: Checking remote: conancenter brotli/1.1.0: Downloaded recipe revision d56d7bb9ca722942aba17369cb5...
(:20,0,null,:20),creappid=:21,creverid=:22, modappid=:23,modverid=:24,crepatchid=:25,modpatchid=:26 where owner#=:1 and name=:2 and namespace=:3 and remoteowner is null and linkname is null and subnam e is null 0 0 6 0dfxfyy5r32qq update /* QOSD */ /*+ index(eo...
Config option'disable_upload_validation'=falseConfig option'disable_download_validation'=falseConfig option'bypass_data_preservation'=falseConfig option'no_remote_delete'=falseConfig option'remove_source_files'=falseConfig option'sync_dir_permissions'= 700 Config option'sync_file_permissions'= 600 Config ...
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#greeter-show-remote-login=true #user-session=default #allow-user-switching=true #allow-guest=true #guest-session= #session-wrapper=lightdm-session #greeter-wrapper= #guest-wrapper= #display-setup-script= #display-stopped-script= #greeter-setup-script= ...
Get last logon user id on PC Get last logon user on a remote computer Get length of audio files and export to CSV - Powershell script Get Lenovo Warranty info automatically Get list of all empty AD groups with creation date Get list of all users that is not member of spesific group ...
REMOTE_ADDRContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONSAccess-Control-Allow-Credentials: trueAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *%&=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:32.0) Gecko/20120101 Firefox/32.0touchhostnumberexp1exp2cvvfirstnamelastnameaddresscitystatezipcoun...
RemoteDesktopPacket 标志远程桌面数据包 ScriptPacket 执行脚本(html、vbs、batch) SpecialFolderPacket Windows特殊文件夹 StartupPacket 启动项操作 TcpConnectionPacket TCP刷新及关闭 ThumbnailPacket 缩略图相关 TransferHeader 通信连接操作 WebcamPacket 网络摄像头相关 WindowPacket Windows操作(刷新、最大化、最小化等)...