Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project. Better than any royalty free or stock photos. - Auto-generate images and PDF documents with a simple API or automation tools like Zapier & Airtable. No CSS/HTML is required. The free plan comes with 50 images/month and three templates. - All the tools you need to fully understand what's going on in you...
Live Preview makes it easy to see how the processed images will look like after processing. Advanced File Naming and Renaming: use file properties, image attributes, random characters, EXIF tags, perform search and replace. Advanced Image Search: advanced wildcards, image attributes, file properties...
Dog Facts Random dog facts No Yes Unknown Dogs Based on the Stanford Dogs Dataset No Yes Yes HTTPCat Cat for every HTTP Status No Yes Unknown IUCN IUCN Red List of Threatened Species apiKey No Unknown Movebank Movement and Migration data of animals No Yes Unknown PlaceBear Placeholder bear ...
Thanks for visiting - we hope you like the images provided here and find them useful. in addition to the main image collection we also have an archive of our older images, and a regular feed of design packs to download. If you do use the images, we ask that you cred...
Adobe Coloris an advanced tool for getting your hues just right, making it one of the best color palette generators for professionals. On your first visit to the site, we recommend heading to the Explore section, where you can browse different user-crafted color palettes at random, or accordi...
2. Remove Random Tourists from Travel Photos We’ve all experienced the struggle of capturing the perfect shot of a landmark, only to have it crowded with tourists. Removing strangers can turn a chaotic scene into a postcard-perfect image, giving you the chance to showcase the beauty of th...
If another part of your application needs that same image, but at half the width, you can easily construct another URL without hitting the API again: photo.urls.raw + "&w=750&dpr=2"; // =>
Good Free Photos is a large free stock photo website with thousands of public domain photos, including landscapes, objects, animals, plants, textures, etc. Predominantly, all the photos were taken by one man during his travels, hikes and random place visits. Of course, every once in a whil...
[Android.Runtime.Register("discardFreeBuffers", "()V", "GetDiscardFreeBuffersHandler", ApiSince=28)] public virtual void DiscardFreeBuffers (); Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Discard any free buffers owned by this ImageReader. Generally, the ImageReader caches buffers for reuse once they hav...