Although total PSA (tPSA) has been reported to correlate with PV, the relationship between free PSA (fPSA) and PV has not been fully explored. Therefore, we compared tPSA and fPSA as a proxy marker to estimate PV in a large cohort. METHODS Of all 1680 men with no induration by ...
回答:病情分析: 你好,PSA的正常值小于4ug/ml.前列腺肥大与前列腺炎这两种良性疾病,会造成PSA升高,浓度通常在4至10ug/ml之间.如果PSA浓度大于10ug/ml,发生前列腺癌的机会就增加,要进一步做直肠超声波检查支持诊断. 指导意见: 一般血清中f-PSA/t-PSA大于或等于0.15可能为前列腺肥大,小于0.15前列腺癌可...
Free PSA is a newer evaluation for prostate health. This test is used to measure the percentage of free PSA relative to the total amount. Although not used as an initial screening test, a lower percentage of free PSA might mean your doctor needs to do a further testing on the ...
回答:问题分析: 你好,前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)作为前列腺癌的特异性标志物,对前列腺癌的诊断特异性达90-97%。被广泛应用于前列腺癌的筛选、诊断及治疗后的监测。游离前列腺特异性抗原(FPSA)与总前列腺特异性抗原(TPSA)的比值(F/T),可以作为早期诊断的辅助指标。一般F/TPSA<0.1提示前列腺CA可能性较大...
指导意见:一般血清中f-PSA/t-PSA大于或等于0.15可能为前列腺肥大,小于0.15前列腺癌可能性大。就你的情况看:PSA-fre意见建议:e/PSA-total比率=0.30>0.15.同时直肠指检前列腺的质地不硬。因此考虑前列腺炎症或肥大的可能性较大。希望对你有所帮助。 2016-08-05...
游离PSA/总PSA比值(f/tPSA) 1. Objective To study the early diagnostic value of prostate-specific antigen(PSA),density of PSA(PSAD),free/total prostate-specific antigen ratio(f/tPSA) for prostate cancer. 目的探讨前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)、PSA密度(PSAD)、游离PSA/总PSA比值(f/tPSA)在诊断早期前...