2. Math. the collection of all points of a given set having the property that every neighborhood of each point contains points in the set and in the complement of the set. [1620–30] syn: boundary, border, frontier refer to that which divides one territory or political unit from another...
1. border, edging, skirting, boundary, fringe, perimeter a small fireplace with a cast-iron surround Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 surroundverb To shut in on all sides: begird, beset, circle, compa...
- Natural Boundary: A meandering brook encircles the property, creating a natural boundary that adds both charm and privacy to the estate. - Secure Enclosure: A portion of the land is enclosed with a sturdy net and a stone wall, ensuring the safety of your investments and property. ...
Get-CMConnectionManager Get-CMDatabaseProperty Get-CMDatabaseReplicationLinkProperty Get-CMDatabaseReplicationStatus Get-CMDataWarehouseServicePoint Get-CMDefaultBoundaryGroup Get-CMDeployment Get-CMDeploymentPackage Get-CMDeploymentStatusDetails Get-CMDeploymentType Get-CMDeploymentTypeDependency Get-CMDeploy...
Elementary Differential Equations (with Boundary Value Problems) - William F. Trench Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets - William Stein Elementary Real Analysis - Brian S. Thomson, Judith B. Bruckner, Andrew M. Bruckner Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra - E. H. Con...
How to detect if point is within the boundary of a control, following transformations? How to detect when a Window has lost focus? How to detect when the close button 'X' is pressed How to determine when a user finishes resizing a WPF window? How to disable a button in WPF at runtime...
$E,16($ctx) andi.r0,$inp,3 bneLunaligned Open Source Used In Duo (Free to Beyond) - AuthProxy Licensing Package 001 21 Laligned: mtctr$num blLsha1_block_private bLdone ; PowerPC specification allows an implementation to be ill-behaved ; upon unaligned access which c...
asyncsendEmailVerificationMagicLink({id,email,property='sender_from'}){const[,toDomain]=email.split('@');letfromEmail=`noreply@${toDomain}`;if(fromEmail===email){fromEmail=`no-reply@${toDomain}`;}if(this.emailAddressService.service.useNewEmailAddresses){// Gone with the old logic: alway...
4.The line or frontier area separating political divisions or geographic regions; a boundary. v.bor·dered,bor·der·ing,bor·ders v.tr. 1.To lie along or adjacent to the border of:Canada borders the United States. 2.To put a border on. ...
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