We have LOTs of2nd grade worksheetsfor having fun practicing math, language arts, science, social studies, art, music, and more with thesefree worksheets for 2nd grade! Whether you are a homeschooler, classroom teacher, or are a parent supplementing your child’s education — we’ve got lots...
Lego Spelling Test for Kids Printables Free Spelling Dictionary Second Grade Worksheets Looking for more 2nd grade worksheets? You will love these activities: Crab Contractions Activity 2nd Grade Crossword Puzzles to work on spelling words Grab the 2nd grade reading list or check out read alouds for...
Feelings Worksheet For Elementary Explore our free scholastic printables and worksheets for all ages on subjects like reading writing math and science. Social emotional learning grade level. Expressing Feelings... Read More Worksheet Simplifying Rational Expressions Worksheets With Solutions ...
For Gr K-1. Rhyme Time: Two cute printables to give early learners practice in identifying rhyming words with short and long vowel sounds. For Gr. K-2.Easy phonics worksheets: 5 free first grade worksheets provide practice with simple short vowel words. Here's a peek at part of one of...
Daily Word Problem worksheets for grades K-5. Each set contains free printables, and consist of a single-step and multi-step word problems for students to solve.
Several printables are free, or join STW for full access to all material!Fiction Stories Dinosaur Graveyard (Fiction) Jackie is spending the day at her grandparents' farm, and she can't wait to explore the place her grandparents call the dinosaur graveyard. 4th Grade Caroline and the Castle...
More Free Printable Preschool Worksheets Here are some more preschool pages to promote fun learning. ABC Fill-Ins:Two pages give students practice in completing the alphabet, then finding letters that spell a few kid-friendly words. Alphabet printables: All spelling begins withletters.These free pri...
1st grade math2nd grade math 3rd grade math4th grade math 5th grade math6th grade math Your kids from Kindergarten up through sixth grade will love using these math worksheets. New math workbooks are generated each week to make learning in the classroom fun. Word problems are emphasized for a...
TONS of funHuman Body for Kidsactivities, expeirments, and free printables too! FreeScientific Method Worksheets Free first grade worksheets Help children learn about the great country of the United States with these free printables. Plus don’t miss all our fun, free, and immersivehistory lesson...
However, this week we’ve been learning about classifying the animal kingdom in our Zoology books for 2nd and 6th grades. My 2nd grader needed something tangible to introduce her to the topic of classification, so I created these free Classifying LEGO free printables for her. ...