You’re welcome, Jennifer! I know what you mean, but I have come to love wordless picture books. One of the best writing assignments my junior high kids have done is writing a story based upon a wordless picture book of their choosing. It was a lot of fun!
Free printable picture dictionaries. The downloads are great for homeschool, kindergarten and English Language Learners.
Last month, we received lots of requests for backgrounds without text or calendars on them. We’re so happy that you love the pictures chosen and are excited to let you know that “Second Screen” is a wordless option available for desktop. ...
The printable can be used with kids of all ages (or help adults who read aloud to kids find different books to share). Whether your child enjoys picture books or chapter books, a genre challenge is a way to help them branch out to new areas of literature that they may not have read ...
Autumn(beautiful wordless board book that’s part of a4-season collection) Biscuit Visits the Pumpkin Patch We have other autumn books in a book basket: Books from ourmini fall unit. Books from ourapple unit. You can see many fall books here:Fall Books for Kids(including books as they’re...
We really recommend that children make the flip books themselves. 10 Word Family Flip Books 10 printable Word family flipbooks, great learning resources for children in kindergarten and first grade. Printable PDFs for the an, at, ed, ell, ick, ing, op, ot, ug and uck word families ...
Here are the “Free Printables!” This one can be printed as both a 5 x 7 and an 8 x 10 The printable below you can print out as a 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 To print these or save them to upload and print out at say Walmart or Costco, all you do is right click and save image ...