1. Download the printable, text features worksheets for your class’s grade level. Distribute the informational text features worksheets to your students. Students can work individually or in pairs. Grade K:Young Explorer Scavenger Hunt Printable: Scout Edition (Kindergarten) Grade 1:Young Explorer S...
Our site offers you free printable worksheets. Whether you are a stay at home mom teaching your children or a school teacher with a class full of students, these printable worksheets will come in handy for you. You do not have to worry about spending a lot of money to keep your classroom...
This large variety of quizzes, tests, and worksheets cover dance, theatre, visual arts, and more. Don't see a worksheet you need? Use our Test Maker™ to create your own printable that fits your needs. Browse arts questions or use our advanced search to find existing questions while ...
Printable area worksheets. Includes area of rectangles, triangles, circles, parallelograms, and trapezoids.
These printable math worksheets will help students learn about probability of random events. Sample the free content or become a STW member for full access! Probability Spinners (Basic)FREE Use the pictures of the spinners to determine the probability of outcomes for events on this free printable....
Using the Printable Sight Word Worksheets To use the printable sight word worksheets, students will begin by reading the sight word. Next, they will work on writing the word by tracing it, following the arrows to ensure proper writing technique. Then they will write the word independently on ...
Kiddo Worksheets has a lot of free educational resources. Get free printable worksheets for Preschool, Kindergarten & Grades from 1 to 5.
Worksheets play a key role in helping ESL/ELL students learn English. Our collection of ESL worksheets help English language learners improve their English grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Worksheets are organized by topic an
In this section of our website, in addition to the thousands of class materials, printable worksheets, activities, games and educational resources that we offer you, we also put at your disposal hundreds ofdefinitionsand concepts classified according to their category. You can have access to the...
These free, printable activities are great to support reading activities for classic literature titles. Click to view and print!