Distribute printable emotional check-in worksheets to each student. Task them to write a brief description of their feelings each day. Encourage them to pinpoint the factors influencing how they feel. At the end of the week, lead students in reviewing their entries to identify patterns and trigg...
Printable worksheets provide practice for any child who is learning to master new skills they are taught in class. They are perfect for any level, and can be applied to any type of mathematical problem or unit of study. Create a Problem Solving Worksheet Why are They Important and How are...
Sort options Sort byStart Date AscStart Date DescUpdated Date AscUpdated Date DescTitle AscTitle Desc Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date Providing Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Special Education Services in School (Coursera)...
The CBT Toolbox for Children and Adolescents is a comprehensive resource for therapists, social workers, educators, and parents who work with children and teenagers facing emotional and behavioural challenges. This… Posted in_EverythingActivitiesCSECSE, CCE & Sexual AbuseGroup workIndividual workSexual...
Free pattern worksheets These worksheets help kids recognize and complete patterns. They also give practice in recognizing the basic shapes and letters. Students discover the core (repeating part) of the pattern and then extend it in. Patterns cut & paste Patterns of shapes Patterns of objects...
social emotional learning activities for preschool ASKING STUDENTS TO IDENTIFY AND MANAGE THEIR EMOTIONS CAN PREPARE THEM FOR SHARING, PROBLEM SOLVING, AND SOCIAL LIFE SKILLS. How many times have we said to our kids, “Please use your words!”? It can be super frustrating getting our well-meani...
Explore our free scholastic printables and worksheets for all ages on subjects like reading writing math and science. Social emotional learning grade level. Expressing Feelings... Read More Worksheet Simplifying Rational Expressions Worksheets With Solutions ...
There’s a little bit of everything, from educational activities to motor activities, to social/emotional learning. Hopefully, you can find a few things for your tots here! 1. Monster Feelings Teaching preschoolers about feelings is very important but often overlooked. In this matching game, kid...
Children are social beings, and as they grow up, they develop many social and emotional skills that help them with their daily interactions with others. In order for children to grow up to be happy, well-adjusted adults, they too need to be aware of their emotions and how to manage them...
Emotional Intelligence from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Soft Skill Development from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Media and Information Literacy for Teachers from IGNOU Communication Skills Modes & Knowledg...