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#Freen承认与seng恋情#泰剧《粉红理论》中的女星Freen被拍到与和男星Seng接吻,但是两人都有属于自己cp组合, 泰兰德的夏天永不停歇,中国女人永远被骗[哆啦A梦害怕]
STEP-NCSTEP-CNCToolpath generationFreeform machining strategyFor successful development of the intelligent manufacturing of freeform surfaces using STEP-CNC with online toolpath generation capability, it is required to make a choice of the optimal......
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Writing control method and image forming apparatusWriting control method and image forming apparatusof EP1039739 An image forming apparatus includes: a writing device for writing an image on the basis of image data thereof; a controller for controlling a writing position in a primary scanning directio...
STEP-NCT-splinefreeform surface manufacturingsurface evaluationmanufacturing-suitable regionSTEP-NC is a new interface standard between CAD/CAM and CNC. Most of the studies focus on the 2.5D features machining using STEP-NC. However, freeform surface is widely used in the field of aerospace, ...
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