For rather than forsake this most sinful generation to the forces of darkness and the antichrist spirit, Our Lord chose to Love above all else. Instead, He prepared His Most Beloved Church for this most difficult and decisive time in human history...
Bible Studies - Bible Charts - Free online Bible resources for home or church group study and free printable charts and a collection of C.C. Gosey writing tools Featuring bible studies, motivation from the bible, encouragement and bible study devotions. The site also contains: Christian commentar...
"GodPrints Devotions" are basically short, precise Bible studies that inspire, encourage, and help us keep our focus on Jesus even when things get super busy! We think of these as Godprints... because our fingerprints identify us, and God has placed His identifying marks all over our ...
At our church, "Tweens" or Preteens consist of youth in the 5th - 6th grades. These are young people who find themselves between the "little kid stage," but not actually old enough to move up into the youth group. They are ready for more than simple Bible stories, but maybe not read...