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and accurate information to do your jobs. But often, the information everyone needs is scattered. It's in people's heads but not documented. It's in replies to customer queries. It's in your bug tracking tool, internal memos, random employees' Google Drives… everywhere except for one cent...
Role Play Job Applications:Create a mock job application process for various careers. Have students use the professional resume templates and their completed resume worksheets to apply for their dream job. This will not only make the activity more engaging but also give students a taste of real-...
Certificate programscan lead to high-paying jobs – so if you don't have to pay for a certification, it's a real opportunity. Check out these 11 free online certifications below that can helpsecure your professional skill setand advance your career. You'll find training belo...
Cyber security is one of the fastest-growing fields in the U.S. Demand for jobs in itrose by 43%in the past year. But, employers are having a hard time filling those roles because of a shortage of talent. If you’re seeking a new career, consider the fast-growing field of cyber se...
Use active session- Specifies whether an existing user session will be used to run a TestComplete test. If it is selected, TestComplete will run in the current session. Otherwise, Jenkins will close all the applications, terminate the currently active session, start a new session under the speci...
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CloneApp is designed to back up and restore some Windows built-in applications, third-party software, and programs that are related to people's daily lives and jobs to a new PC for free. It even supports transferring the license to the target PC....
Access the latest tech and IT jobs and freelance opportunities on More than 1,000 jobs are available.
Now I’m about to start working in the career I’ve been shooting for. I was having trouble getting interviews for jobs in the field I desired. MyPerfectResume provided me with resume templates and great bullet points to make my resume stand out. I started getting emails and calls for ...