With extensive experience working with special needs children, including her own children with special needs (Rett Syndrome, autism, anxiety, and ADHD), she creates hands-on curricula and activities that are great for working with children of all abilities in the classroom and at home. Hands-on...
The printable math game board is best printed on laminated paper or card stock. Then print the cards on the white side of scrapbook paper (so they aren’t see-through). Finally, laminate all the pieces for durability and cut out the addition math fact cards. To Play: Play in small grou...
2.1K 32 2.1K 37 More After preparing this blog post, I will return to the Google Play Store and get some of these apps. I can be scatterbrained, and stress makes it worse. As an adult with ADHD, I often struggle with executive functioning tasks. ...
Cornell method lesson notes (printable) 8 NURSING.com ebooks Scan to download the NURSING.com Mobile App NPQ - Nursing Practice Questions® Unlock better scores with NCLEX® style review questions That is the average improvement NURSING.com students see on their lowest course grade ...
The Print button loads a further screen where the current quiz is displayed in a printable format with each question followed by the 3 answers in random order, and a box next to each for a cross or tick to be entered manually. This screen allows you to make any alterations or additions ...
Happy Kids Timer is a mobile app that has helped many families. Number of our fans keeps growing. Especially parents with kids diagnosed with ADHD say that theapp is a lifesaver. If you prefer a printable checklist we created a free printable morning routine chart in Happy Kids Timer style....
Discover the power of the multisensory approach to teaching reading and spelling, and download our FREE printable activities—they’re multisensory!
Languages:Learn Spanish,Interactive Spanish Lessons,Free Spanish CD-ROM,Online English Level Test,Grammar Exercises for older kids & ESL students Art:Printable Color-in worksheets,Alphabet learning coloring worksheets,Christmas coloring pages, Art Links,Learn to Draw, Creative art site,Coloring Flash Gam...
What are the Warning Signs of ADHD? Q: My son’s teacher has raised some concerns about his behavior in class and suggests that we test him for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. She tells us that he interrupts her a lot, has trouble finishing tasks, never waits his turn and fidget...
When my kids were younger, I designed theseFree Printable Morning Routine Flash Cardsto hang in my kid’s rooms. It helped them to remember what they needed to do before school. How to Create a Morning Routine Mornings can be hectic! To create aback to schoolmorning routine, print out a...