presents The Tooth Fairy, a story written and illustrated by a 4th grade class for free reading online without registration. The Book Depository has over 18,000 free ebooks in a large selection of categories available for free download in PDF without registration. You will see prices listed for...
presents The Tooth Fairy, a story written and illustrated by a 4th grade class for free reading online without registration. The Book Depository has over 18,000 free ebooks in a large selection of categories available for free download in PDF without registration. You will see prices listed for...
This is suitable for 3rd to 5th grade. Reconstructing Earth Layers Worksheet: Give children separate strips representing different Earth layers and have them reconstruct the layers in the correct order to form a complete diagram. This is suitable for 4th to 6th grade. Earth's Structure Worksheet:...
For the occasion, Google launched new online courses, including a free certification program: Google Analytics Certification.The course includes a series of videos, readings, and assessment. After getting a score of 80% or higher on the assessment, you’ll earn a free certificate of completion, ...
Here is a quick definition from auniversity’s FAQ: Auditing a course allows a student to take a class without the benefit of a grade or credit for a course. So when you are trying to enroll in Coursera courses for free, look for the word Audit after you select the Enroll For Free ...
This photography app can also keep a log of light readings so that you can track the different variations of light quality in an area across the course of the day. When you are preparing to go on a photo shoot in that area, you will have a handy log that will work as a quick and...
With the help of LearnWorld’s note-taking and highlighting functions, it’s easier for learners to go through lesson readings and keep track of important concepts. Do note, however, that you’ll need to create an account on the platform to be able to access their library of course ...
Free PURE & SIMPLE LIP BALM USDA Certified Organic and 100% edible formula made from food grade ingredients. Yes, edible! Great for kids, too. This back-to-basics Pure & Simple lip balm line is packaged in our new Plant Pod Innovation the first 100% plastic-free plant tube. Solarcaine ...
If you’re a teacher or parent looking for printable or digital science resources, TPT has an extensive array of instructional materials for every learning need, topic, or grade level. Whether you're learning about plant parts or butterfly life cycles, or exploring advanced topics like the anat...
Following the flipped classroom model, students are given pre-recorded lectures, readings and other assignments to complete on their own time. This allows instructors to use blended learning strategies during class time to help students apply what they’ve learned, as opposed to the other way ...