4.To utter or say a prayer or prayers to; address by prayer:"I pray Heaven that I never may forget the dear girl"(Charles Dickens). 5.ArchaicTo ask (someone) imploringly for something; beseech. Used chiefly in the phraseI pray youto introduce a polite or urgent request or question:I...
Everybody is praying for rain. rezar por, rogarˈprayer noun (an) act of praying. a book of prayer; The child said his prayers; My prayers have been answered (=I've got what I desired).oración, rezo pray is a verb: to pray (not prey) for peace. Kernerman English Multilingual ...
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“Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for listening to my prayers for conception and the gift you gave my husband and me, the gift of life growing inside of me. I give my pregnancy to you. Without you, there would not be a baby growing inside of my womb. ...