The aim of study was to investigate the current state of public sector mammography in the Free State, and to recommend a way forward.doi:10.1080/20786204.2011.10874156Harmse WsMbchbC S DeVries MbchbMmed DradInformaworldSouth African Family Practice...
There were no deaths among women with a BRCA2 mutation undergoing MRI screening and 10-year survival of those being screened (with MRI or mammography) (94%) was better than that in the unscreened population (76%) (p = 0.008, HR = 0.21, 95% CI 0.07–0.67). This study showed ...
000 women undergoing screening mammography that would be used to train and clinically validate a test for BRCA detection [71]. In 2019, the objective of the trial was expanded to include the diagnosis of invasive cancer, including haematologic cancer (HC), within...
DETECT-A study used a similar multi-cancer blood testing combined with PET-CT imaging to detect cancer in a prospective, interventional study of 10,006 women between 60–75 years not previously known to have cancer [127], in addition to standard of care screening test such as mammography. Po...
However, various population-based studies have shown that mastectomy is still considered a reliable treatment option chosen by some breast cancer patients in daily clinical practice. The breast cancer survival rates are now higher. This is probably due to several factors, such as the smaller tumor ...