两步验证 支持 支持 不支持 不支持 Catch All 支持 支持 不支持 不支持 POP3 支持 支持 不支持 支持 IMAP 支持 支持 不支持 支持 SMTP 支持 支持 支持 支持 Exchange 支持 不支持 不支持 不支持 国内免费域名邮箱 腾讯QQ网易163阿里Aliyun 域名数量 1 1 1 用户数量 50 180 50 邮箱别名 支持 支持 不支持...
国外免费域名邮箱 ZohoYandexPinglyCloudemail 域名数量 1 不限 1 1 用户数量 25 1000 不限 1 邮箱别名 支持 支持 支持 支持 邮箱容量 5G 不限 5G 1G 两步验证 支持 支持 不支持 不支持 Catch All 支持 支持 不支持 不支持 POP3
Email Hosting Technical Highlights Additional SMTP sending ports 25, 26, 80, 587, 940, 2525, 8001 Auto response (vacation message) for every email address. POP3 and IMAP support plus SMTP Relay Webmail to access emails anywhere Spam filtering / Anti Virus Scanning SPF / DKIM for your domain...
The email program Gmail is one of many features that a Google account provides. However, if you don’t need the Google email feature, you can simply delete your Gmail account. As a result, you don’t need to forgo other services like Google Drive or the Google Play Store. These… ...
Email hosting is using a custom domain for your email address instead of relying on generic email servers like Yahoo or Gmail. Professional email addresses (e.g., yourname@yourcompany.com) can help you reinforce your brand identity and build trust and credibility with your customers. Free ...
Features of the Infinity Free Hosting Plans Your blog will live on their subdomain (i.e.yourblog.infinityfree.com) 400 MySQL databases Free SSL certificate Unlimited storage 10 POP3 email accounts cPanel website management Infinity Free’s solid feature set makes it one of the most attractive op...
Email Programs Desktop email programs are downloaded / installed on your computer, unlike "webmail clients" that run inside a web browser. These "native" applications are typically more responsive, and can be used offline (completely offline with POP3 email accounts, and partially, with IMAP accoun...
aFree Domain Hosting: Free Hosting with New Domain Registration Free cPanel: Multilingual Control Panel[translate] aFree Blog, CMS, Gallery, Forums, Social and Wiki Hosti[translate] aFree E-Mail and WebMail Hosting with IMAP, POP3 and SMTP[translate]...
Gmail does support POP3 and IMAP access on the secure ports 993/995. The annoying thing is, unlike AIM, the bouceback emails showed up just fine (although they ended up in the Spam folder but that’s easily fixed with a filter) but I could not connect outbond from the hosting provider...
(BBS) Hosts Free IMAP, POP3 Email Mailboxes, Web Email, Email Forwarding or Redirection Important Precautions to Take When Buying a Domain Name Free Mailing List and Email Newsletter Hosting Groups.io This mailing list service features public or private archives for your messages; an unlimited ...