Plumbing Aptitude Test. Spatial Reasoning Test Customer Reviews Trusted reviews by 4.6 Score of 4.6 out of 5 stars Based on 9 reviews 5 5 4 4 3 0 2 0 1 0 Select a rating for filtering reviews, from 1 star (lowest) to 5 stars (highest) Rating With media Sort by Sort by:...
With Alison's free online plumbing courses, you will gain a solid understanding of the skills needed to compete in the plumbing trade. As more and more people become homeowners, the demand for skilled workers with plumbing knowledge is getting bigger and bigger every year. These courses will gu...
devoted to being the leader of global plumbing industry The vision is the striving direction of VALOGIN people, lofty ideal of every VALOGIN people, and the mental strength for guiding all work. CORE VALUE perfect integration of employee, company and product The core value is t...
plumbery, plumbing - the occupation of a plumber (installing and repairing pipes and fixtures for water or gas or sewage in a building) pottery - the craft of making earthenware pyrotechny, pyrotechnics - the craft of making fireworks cobbling, shoe repairing, shoemaking - the shoemaker's tra...
devoted to being the leader of global plumbing industry The vision is the striving direction of VALOGIN people, lofty ideal of every VALOGIN people, and the mental strength for guiding all work. CORE VALUE perfect integration of employee, company and prod...
(withatoron) skilled through training or expert car designer;I'm expert at map-reading;Get expert advice on plumbing.experto noun a person who is an expert in political history / on ancient pottery.experto ˈexpertlyadverb ...
One caveat, however: avoid "Jacob's Ladders" and other electrical discharge devices; not only did they go out around the time that plumbing came in, they can wreak havoc with modern-day electronics. Leave the spark gaps at the electronic surplus store, or you'll be risking a computer cr...
and wall panels (the"Required Products")together with ancillary products, such as shower doors, valves, plumbing fixtures, and products necessary for installation of the Required Products (collectively with the Required Products, the"Re-Bath Products")within the Territory as outlined in this Agreement...
(redirected fromCareer college) Thesaurus vocational school n. A school, especially one on a secondary level, that offers instruction and practical introductory experience in skilled trades such as mechanics, carpentry, plumbing, and construction. ...
an expert car designer; I'm expert at map-reading; Get expert advice on plumbing.experto noun a person who is an expert. an expert in political history / on ancient pottery.expertoˈexpertly adverb expertamenteˈexpertness noun pericia Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-...