Family and friends for many years have joined together at Christmas and they have rejoiced knowing the Real reason why they were Celebrating. Each year there was a great feast in my honor. The table was full of delicious foods, the decorations were exquisite and some of them are mentioned ...
Therefore, rejoice in suffering, rejoice in your pain, rejoice in offering to My Divine Son what others cannot, because he who gives the most, receives the most and he who suffers the most is glorified – he who suffers by the Will of My Divine Son, that is, not by his own will. B...
Our definition of a false religion would be a relationship with and / or worship of a god (or angels or devils) that is not the Holy God of the Bible; and believing in another way of salvation other than the blood that Jesus shed on the Cross of Calvary to make a way for us to ...
This season, however, I spied a large-leafed weed that had “gifted” itself to my garden growing from a leftover pot still full of hardened soil in the corner of my yard. Days passed as I watched it, fully intending to yank it up by its roots at some point. I did not water or ...
rejoice, but still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend. 41 Reds Final Parole Hearing Red is in the light. The panel is different younger man, a woman Rehabilitated? Well now, let me see. You know, I ...
Love never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. How can you do that? Give thanks. Praise. Remember your good and perfect God is still and will always be good and perfect. Trust Him and rejoice. Disciples of Christ ...
This book, like many of hers, will touch deep places within you. You will cry, laugh, rejoice, and be thankful. All the emotions and feels are in this work of realistic Christian Fiction. In Karen’s hands, you forget completely that the characters are fictional and might even find yours...