Define telescopic lens. telescopic lens synonyms, telescopic lens pronunciation, telescopic lens translation, English dictionary definition of telescopic lens. telescopic lens. Translations. English: telescopic lens n teleobiettivo. Italian / Italiano: t
Apart from making the telescope easier to use by making the eyepiece more accessible, this item of equipment turns the image up the right way but laterally inverts it, swapping it left to right as in a mirror. Radio telescopes work in a similar way to optical instruments, producing images ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook white area n (Human Geography) an area of land for which no specific planning proposal has been adopted Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011...
All radio telescopes consist of an antenna, or system of antennas, connected by feeders to one or more receivers. The antennas may be in the form of dishes, simple linear dipoles, or Yagi antennas. The receiver outputs may be displayed on suitable devices such as pen-recorders or, more ...
This site offers a range of free multiple-choice quizzes to test your knowledge of astronomy and the universe. With over 75 quizzes covering topics from how to use telescopes to the astrophysics of black holes, we're sure you'll find something of interest. Each quiz includes 15 questions...
The telescope function here also has the ability to detect objects in the sky, for example, cosmic station. Apart from this, you can connect to space giant telescopes which allow you to see deep into the universe. Another curious feature of the ISS Detector is its space compass – it helps...
Look closely and you will see a picture of a thumb on the screen. This arrangement affords a wide amount of flexibility in the user interface - and it removes the limitations of the arrow keys used by almost all remote controls. The photo to the right shows a two-handed operation where ...
— The Art Of The Moving Picture • Vachel Lindsay Read full book for free! ...Beamish!" said I, repeating the name in every variety of emphasis, hoping to obtain some clue to the writer. Had I been appointed the umpire between Dr. Wall and his reviewers, in the latecontroversyabout...
Define astrophotograph. astrophotograph synonyms, astrophotograph pronunciation, astrophotograph translation, English dictionary definition of astrophotograph. n a photograph of the heavenly bodies Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 1
Define big science. big science synonyms, big science pronunciation, big science translation, English dictionary definition of big science. n. Scientific research involving large amounts of money and often large teams of researchers. American Heritage