I need a professional to design a modern, printable sales catalog featuring both leather goods and home textiles separately. The catalog should reflect a sleek, contemporary aesthetic, appealing to today's consumers. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in graphic design software like Adobe InDesign or ...
I was thinking primarily of the teens and young adults I see in therapy, but I think anyone can benefit from them. Please download a free printable copy of my Inside Out Study Guide: Understanding Emotions.* Spoiler Alert: These questions […] Read More 12Next...
This course tells you the truth about food and nutrition. Learn hownutrition impacts health. Explore the field of nutrition and food. The course covers basic chemistry and also talks about the composition of the food. You will understand the impact food has on the body and health. You will ...
This free printable preschool activity (the newest in ourGingerbread emotionsseries) will help you teach your children all about emotions. This gingerbread emotions puzzle will help your kids put two and two together (literally) to combine facial expressions and emotion words. Soon conversations and ...
Free teaching and management tools for teachers and schools include Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Meet, Google Classroom, Google Forms, and many more. Hand2MindHand2mind offers hundreds of free printable PDF worksheets, searchable by topic or grade. HHMI BiointeractiveSeven free virtual labs,...
Effectiveness of continuous passive motion and conventional physical therapy after total knee arthroplasty: a randomized clinical trial. Phys Ther. 2006;86(2):174-185.PubMedGoogle Scholar 37. Harms M, Engstrom B. Continuous passive motion as an adjunct to treatment in the physiotherapy management ...
2. What is the difference between exponential and radical forms of an expression?, finding the root in 3rd power using programming, exercises on multiples and factors. Free printouts for math sheet, the similarity between rational +exponential and radical expression, algebra to go a mathematics ...
The national Black Lives Matter At School coalition’s has created lessons for every grade level that relate to the 13 principles of Black Lives Matter. These free downloadable lessons challenge racism, oppression and build happy and health classrooms.Challenge racism. ...
Patients enrolled presented severe CARDS (median PaO2/FIO2 ratio 102-105 mmHg with bilateral lung infiltrates), associated with relatively low respiratory drive activation (respiratory rate 28 b/m, PaCO2 34 mmHg, VAS-dyspnea 4) as compared to similar forms of typical ARDS (2). This might ...
Folks dealing with dementia need engaging activities to help them with their cognitive skills. Its tricky to keep things interesting and suitable for their level.