1. Define a Grading Scale Grading Scale Worksheet Screenshot To avoid confusion or possibly complete chaos, teachers should be very clear about how students will be graded. The grading scale is often outlined in the course syllabus, depending on how structured the course is. College students will...
23.1. Iperf Iperf is a utility for measuring maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth performance. It can be used to chart network throughput over time. For example, it is used to test the speed of different types of shares to determine which type performs best on the network. FreeNAS®includes the...
tmux: a terminal multiplexer similar to GNU screen Dmidecode: reports information about system hardware as described in the system’s BIOS 24.1. Iperf¶ Iperf is a utility for measuring maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth performance. It can be used to chart network throughput over time. For example...