CNIPA provides kinds of free patent search services for public to retrieve the published patent information but most of them are Chinese, so we hereby list the available search links with English service and the simple guidance of how to search online for a Chinese patent. 1. Basic search You...
Ginger Essay Checker uses patent-pending technology to fix essays, improving your writing just like a human editor would. Take advantage of the most advanced essay corrector on the market. You’ll benefit from instant proofreading, plus you’ll automatically improve your writing skills as you ...
"url": "", "items": [ { "itemType": "patent", @@ -216,14 +232,9 @@ var testCases = [ "creatorType": "contributor" }, { "firstName": "Miller Patent Services", "lastName": "Miller Patent Services", "creatorType": "attorneyAgent...
Web sites/ InternetUnited States Patent and Trademark Officeesp@netregEuropean Patent Officepatent Web sitespatent information resourcesintellectual propertyWeb-based patent servicesdoi:10.1300/J122v22n01_11McKiernanGerryTaylor & Francis GroupScience & Technology Libraries...
The paper illustrates the significance of patent retrieval, and introduces the resources, retrieval field and operator's use of free resource FreePatentsOnline. It takes examples to introduce methods to retrieval of technology status quo of patent and retrieval for evaluating novelty/inventiveness of pa...
of the Disney Content and all of its component parts and editions created using the Services. All provisions of this EULA relating to remedies, or damages and the Company and its licensors’ proprietary rights, choice of law and jurisdiction, indemnity and miscellaneous shall survive termination....
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of the Disney Content and all of its component parts and editions created using the Services. All provisions of this EULA relating to remedies, or damages and the Company and its licensors’ proprietary rights, choice of law and jurisdiction, indemnity and miscellaneous shall survive termination....
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It will ensure that your writing is flawless but it does require you to stay online if you want it to make changes on the go. According to the Ginger website, it uses the most sophisticated “patent-pending technology to decipher the semantic meaning and context of text input, by comparing...