Rorschach test (ˈrɔːʃɑːk; German ˈrɔrʃax) n (Psychology) psychol a personality test consisting of a number of unstructured ink blots presented for interpretation [C20: named after Hermann Rorschach (1884–1922), Swiss psychiatrist] Collins English Dictionary – Complete an...
Rorschach test:seepersonality;psychological tests. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. [′rōr‚shäk ‚test] (psychology) A projective psychologic test in which the subject describes what...
Rorschach Inkblot Test (redirected fromRorschach (test)) Rorschach Inkblot Test a device, designed by Rorschach (1921), to allow a person toprojecthis/her personality so that problems may be uncovered and resolved. This is therefore aPROJECTIVE TEST, which is based on a holistic, phenomenological...
Available online, the test can be taken with a few results. You can purchase the rest results at an affordable rate. All you need is the access to the internet and a laptop or a mobile. Do not forget to hit the timer as without this you will not be able to make the final ...
Related to Rorschach test:Thematic Apperception Test,personality test Ror·schach test (rôr′shäk′, -shäKH′) n. A psychological test in which a subject's interpretations of a series of standard inkblots are analyzed as an indication of personality traits, preoccupations, and conflicts. ...
Rorschach inkblot test personality t... projective te... projective de... projective... noun Synonyms for projective test nounany personality test designed to yield information about someone's personality on the basis of their unrestricted response to ambiguous objects or situations ...
The Rorschach is a projective test that has always occupied a very controversial position in the annals of psychological assessment. The Quest for the Nazi Personality: A Psychological Investigation of Nazi War Criminals * describing the specific types of assessment tools used to differentiate among th...
Female Agronomist Conducting Soil Acidity Test with Litmus Paper aldavideophoto Psychoanalyst Shows a Paper with Rorschach Test Illustration to Male Nurse DC_Studio Closeup of a Man Holding a Positive Blood Test for Coronavirus and Toilet Paper TYTARENKO Closeup in Ophthalmology Clinic Vision Test Mac...
M., 2005, "What is Free Trade?: The Rorschach Test at the Heart of the Trade and Environment Debate", in Handbook of International Trade, Economic and Legal Analyses of Trade Policy and Institutions, ed. by E. Kwan Choi and James C. Hartigan, Blackwell Publishing, Australia, pp. 5-42...
It is an open online course (i.e. it is not an online platform) All the courses are interactive, prepared by the best teachers in the country, and are available, free of cost to any learner. The courses hosted on SWAYAM are in 4 quadrants – Video lecture, Specially prepared reading ...