Free Quiz UK The Home of FREE Quizzes Happy New Year and welcome to 2022 New Quizzes added regularly. Add us to your favourites to keep up-to-date. Want to go straight to the quizzes? Then click here. Can't find what you want? Use our SITEMAP Find update
FREEQuizUK The Home of FREE Quizzes UK We are updating this site regularly!Bookmark this page if you want regular top class quizzes. You can be assured of getting top quality questions as our quizzes are from the same writers that write for our ever popular sister site:
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quiz′zern. Word History:While the origins ofquizremain obscure, we can at least trace the development of its senses. The term, first recorded in the late 1700s, originally meant "an odd or eccentric person." From the noun in this sense came a verb meaning "to make sport or fun of"...