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After having followed Privacy in the Western world you have become acquainted with the overall global legal system and the origins of privacy as a concept as well as privacy as a (human) right. This course deals with the European legal system to protect privacy. European privacy protection is...
Whether you are caring for an older person at home, working in a care facility, or interested in the social, economic, and demographic implications of aging populations, below, you will find more than 100 online courses to explore. Some discuss health and care issues common in older people,...
In addition, through Stanford Engineering Everywhere, students can easily access Stanford’s top classes at no cost. In addition to free online courses, Stanford University offers graduate students the opportunity to complete a free online college degree in one of over 40 graduate programs. ...
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1. Coursera: Professors at Stanford University offered a series of free computer science courses online in fall 2011. Hundreds of thousands of students enrolled, far exceeding traditional enrollments, notes Andrew Ng, a cofounder of Coursera and a professor at Stanford who taught a machine learning...
Uncover new revenue streams by learning how to tap into high potential offshore and online markets. Learn about emerging high-growth markets and how to do business with them. Your existing local customers may be reliable, but the opportunity to really turbocharge your business could be found els...
École Polytechnique is a leading French institute that combines top-level research, academics and innovation at the cutting edge of science and technology. It offers 29 online courses, 10 taught in English and 19 taught in French. Here are a few that might interest you: ...
Best online courses in Ethics from Harvard, Stanford, MIT, University of Pennsylvania and other top universities around the world
Online Business Courses (Harvard University) There is no better place to learn business thanone of the well-established and recognized universities in the world. Harvard University is known to offer multiple business courses based on user requirements and their knowledge. There aremore than 30+ busi...