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Using one of the latest innovations in online education, Caltech offers students access to ten different on-demand or live MOOCs (massive open online course). These courses typically cover STEM-related topics and allow students to participate with an unlimited amount of additional students to partak...
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Feb 24th 2025 Course Auditing Coursera University of Maryland, College Park Consolidando empresas: Estrutura jurídica e financeira (Coursera) View more details Feb 24th 2025 Droit européen du travail (FUN) Le droit européen joue un rôle croissant en droit du travail interne (par le biais nota...
Exploring Law: Studying Law at University (FutureLearn) View more details Le droit, est-ce pour moi ? (FUN) View more details Oct 19th 2021 Comparative Private Law (UNINETTUNO) The course of Comparative Private Law Systems integrates the study of Private Law, in the context of other legal ...
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