Define history. history synonyms, history pronunciation, history translation, English dictionary definition of history. n. pl. his·to·ries 1. a. A chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or institution, often including
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(redirected fromEncyclopedia Britannica Online) The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Encyclopaedia Britannica the oldest and one of the most famous universal encyclopedias in the capitalist world. ...
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Wikipedia is a Web-based, free-content encyclopedia written collaboratively by volunteers and sponsored by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. It contains entries both on traditional encyclopedic topics and on almanac, gazetteer, and current events topics. Its purpose is to create and distribute a ...
The World's most comprehensive free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial, legal specialized dictionaries
Wikipedia is an online free encyclopedia.There are more than 38 million articles about society,history,culture,music,science,technology,geography and so on.On this website,people can find articles about almost everything in the world.Wikipedia has also developed 292 language versions for people to ...
The World's most comprehensive free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial, legal specialized dictionaries
The World's most comprehensive free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial, legal specialized dictionaries
The World's most comprehensive free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial, legal specialized dictionaries