Reading Activities for 2nd Grade Strengthen your child's reading skills with interactive educational resources for reading for 2nd graders online. These learning resources include fun games and worksheets with eye-catching visuals and characters. Get started to help your 2nd grader master this concept ...
Fun interactive spelling games for kids. All games are free and online - for kids in 1st grade, 2nd grade or 3rd grade.
Browse 2nd grade lesson plans for teachers! Find standards-based math and ELA lessons for instructional guidance. Loved by millions of teachers! Start for free!
Third graders continue the fluency of reading while they explore the meanings of words (i.e. silent consonants), while fourth graders can handle more complex spelling patterns (i.e. double consonant with e-drop). Of course, a student may overlap in stages, for instance, a second grader may...
Free interactive money games for 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders, for teaching children the concepts of identifying coins, counting money and making change.
Many times 1st graders will balk at reading words numerous times. But when you add it into a game, the attitude changes. I wanted my grade 1 student to work on readingending blends, especially ending l lends, so I created thisending blends games. She happily read six words repeatedly, so...
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Check out the other great leaf-themed activities for your 2nd graders! Leaves Math: Even and Odd for Second Grade Place Value Leaves: Read and Write Fall Themed Math Bump Games Autumn Leaves Mini-Reports Owl Leaf Art from Crafty Kids at Home Search All Activities Looking for more? Fin...
Anyway, enough about our laminating issues… these printables are perfect for building preschool counting skills and even work great with kindergarteners and first graders who are working on counting to 100. Mini Eraser Counting Activities Grab your taco mini erasers to pair with these preschool cou...