Online tests Choose your language Test your language skills On this page, you will find different online language tests for English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Chinese (Mandarin), Arabic and Russian. Each of these tests includes between 30 and 50 multiple-choice questions. There is ...
Spanish for free onlineeric
To get a sense of what I’m talking about, take a look at the intro video for edX’s Mandarin Chinese for Business course. You can learn Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, French, and other languages from these free university online courses. Class Central has created a collection of su...
Our new booklet for Spanish-speakers who need to use English on the phone: ¿Hablas español?Learn the English that you need in order to communicate efficiently and effectively by phone. Our new guide is available now to pre-order. ...
The Discover library is designed for ESL students, reluctant readers, visual learners, and students with mild reading disabilities. The Find by Topic feature allows students to search for topics visually so it is more engaging with less reading. It also includes a visual dictionary of images with...
The Internet Picture Dictionary (Popularity: ): Free, online multilingual picture dictionary with interactive activities for English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and ESL learners. OneLook Dictionary Search (Popularity: ): Type in a word and search many dictionaries at once. Also has a reverse...
For a variety of reasons, many schools are choosing to move some or even all of their classes online. For most teachers, adigital classroomcan feel like uncharted territory, and having to move all their lesson plans online in a short period of time can be frustrating. Figuring out h...
Are you an ESL beginner looking for engaging and effective reading worksheets? Look no further! Our collection of reading worksheets is specifically designed to meet the needs of ESL beginners. These worksheets are carefully crafted to provide a wide ran
site offers resources for classrooms or at-home teaching, including ESL and math practice sheets, and word and picture cards. For parents new to teaching at home, Starfall has a “Start with the Basics” section that gives adults tips for getting the most out of the provided teaching tools...
His family moved to the US when he was in the 11th grade and he was placed in an ESL/ELL class upon enrollment in public school. His primary language was Spanish, secondary was Portuguese prior to learning English. During his recordings, his used voiceless phonation with glottic pressure. ...