These free online disability courses cover the many different types of disability, and includes methods of dealing with, and accommodating for, disabilities. Many people suffer from physical or mental disabilities, and need special care and attention to improve their quality of life. These courses wi...
Join 45 million learners and explore 5500+ free online courses from top publishers. Alison is the leading provider of free online classes & online learning.
Learn how to achieve inclusive education and understand the practical strategies to create inclusion at your school with this online course for teachers from QUT.
Sort options Sort byStart Date AscStart Date DescUpdated Date AscUpdated Date DescTitle AscTitle Desc Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date American Deaf Culture (Coursera)
such as technology requirements or course materials. Some employers may also offer tuition reimbursement or assistance programs for employees pursuing higher education, even in the online format. Exploring these options and conducting thorough research can help individuals identify the financial resources tha...
2.Having a disability:a disabled veteran. n. (used with a pl. verb)People with physical or mental impairments, considered as a group.rights of the disabled. Usage Note:Disabledis the clear preference in contemporary American English for referring to people having either physical or mental impair...
Course Auditing Coursera University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Education Mixed 4 Weeks 1-4 Hours/Week 41.00 EUR English English Education for All: Disability, Diversity and Inclusion (FutureLearn) Discover ways to make education more inclusive, especially in areas where resources...
EdX is a MOOC (massive open online course) provider that was founded in the year 2012. Based in America, EdX provides online courses and certification programmes to learners worldwide to help them up skill. 100 million-plus enrolment had taken place across the EdX-offered EdX courses and EdX...
You receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Please provide an official award letter for ‘2023-2024’ or ‘2024-2025’ confirming your entitlement to Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP). ...
Have a Learning Disability Have Sexual Issues Have ADHD Have Negative Thoughts Constantly Have Stage Fright Have Body Image Issues Have Sleep Problems Have Weight Issues Have you been asking yourself, “do I need counselling”? If you have, then you can speak to one of OnlineCounselling4U’s ...