On FutureLearn, you’ll find a wide variety of learning methods. When it comes to writing, you’ll find a selection of writing courses, as well as online degree options. Courses give you a shorter learning experience, typically lasting a few weeks. With a degree, you can take a far dee...
Art For Kids Courses Certificate Beginner Level education Montessori Teaching - Music, Arts and Gadgets 2 - 3 hrs2,807 learners You Will Learn How To Analyse the roles of art, music and gadgets in children'... Identify the benefits music has on children's developmen... ...
This class is a comprehensive guide for students going through the process of writing a university application, specifically the personal statement. It can be both helpful to applicants, as well as parents of applicants wishing to best guide their children throughout the process. ...
Effective writing is a powerful tool in the business environment. Learn how to articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner that will allow your ideas to be better understood by your readers. Improve your business writing skill by learning to select and use appropriate formats for your...
We've compiled all the free online courses currently offered on Swayam, India’s national course platform.
MasterClass Best Overall Online Writing Courses $90/class $180/year Get it Now The 100 Day Book Program Best Course to Help Finish Your Book $49/month$490/one-time payment Get it Now Writing with Flair Best General Writing Course for Beginners $94.99 Get It Now Children's Book University...
Question: Can any child from any country participate in a free international writing contest? Answer: Yes, children from the age of 13 onwards can participate. However, it depends on a contest. At the end of each contest, I have provided a link which you'll find is a word, especially ...
It’s been ten years since a few Stanford professorsdecided to offer their coursesonline for free. These later became known as MOOCs, forMassive Open Online Courses, and 2012 became the ‘Year of the MOOC’. Over the years, the online course offering has continued to grow, to the point ...
Browse the catalog and enroll. By selecting “Online Course” and then “Enduring Materials” you should find plenty of open resources with free certificates. Claim your certificate. Once you finish a course, you can claim your certificate via the catalog page. Some courses require passing an as...
Finding the best blogging courses is tough. Here are the best (free & paid) courses on SEO, WordPress, affiliate marketing, more for bloggers.