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MIT’s ‘OpenCourseWare’ Free Online Chinese CoursesThe Massachusetts Institute of Technology has launched an “OpenCourseWare” program online, which provides “a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world.” Through this program, MIT is essentially...
“” is the online international Chinese language education platform hosted by BLCU Online Education College. By using live interactive classes, video lectures, individualized tutoring sessions and various learner support service, it aims to pro
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Word2Word is pleased to provide these links in the hope of all people developing a better understanding of others through the use of language. We have attempted to place as many online courses at your disposal as possible. These sites contain lessons to help learn one language from another. ...’s 'Online College of Language Learning' MIT’s ‘OpenCourseWare’ Free Online Chinese Courses Language Learning Directory In The News News: Chinese Language Learning and Methods Now Hiring Nannies from China: Earn Up to $100,000!
Back To All Online Language Courses Chinese Language About: Chinese is a group of related but in many cases mutually unintelligible language varieties, forming a branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is spoken by the Han majority and many other ethnic groups in China. Nearly 1.2 ...
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