Join online education courses to support teachers' professional learning and development. Enhance how you teach subjects such as English as a foreign language or STEM, or try new approaches to assessment, behaviour management or special needs provision. ...
Achieve OET exam success with E2Language's Online OET Preparation course for nurses. Ace the OET exam confidently with expert guidance. Enroll with E2Language.
Meet other Publishers made up of Experts, Teachers, Educators, Instructors and Trainers from all over the world. Personal Development +8 Training Express Specialists in business performance Training Express is a leading course provider, established by a dedicated team of experts working across the ...
View Similar Course Creators Meet other Publishers made up of Experts, Teachers, Educators, Instructors and Trainers from all over the world. Teaching & Academics +6 XSIQ Multiple subject experts. XSIQ was an Australian interactive multimedia corporation set up to develop industry leading interac...
Customized training and professional development for teachers. Mastery learning, standards-based grading (SBG), DOK, PBL, and more!
Managing your online presence Organizing your online course Planning and facilitating quality discussions Recording effective micro-lectures Engaging students in readings and micro-lectures Top Hat Free Teaching Resources Top Hat is a student engagement platform that teachers use inside and outside of the...
1. mindsets for learning and teaching introduction to course 5 lecture 1: introduction to mindsets for teaching and learning lecture 2: moral purpose, mindset and hard goals lecture 3: learning models lecture 4: inquiry and professional learning designs copy of lecture 1: introduction to mindsets...
The recent announcements that many school districts will be closed for extended periods of time due to coronavirus has led teachers everywhere to scurry around finding the best way to manage distance learning. We’ve collected a list of over 30 online learning tools that have offered free or red...
Child safety on FutureLearn Support and events for teachers working with Pearson Edexcel qualificationsShare these online courses Share the 'FutureLearn Schools' collection with friends and ask them to join you on an online course: Want to know more? Read about FutureLearn Subjects...
Uses Ruzuku to help teachers teach the way students' brains learn Empower students to help each other “I love this platform, especiallythe online community where you can interact with other studentsand the course teacher.” Nancy Windheart ...